Block Personal Emails in Webflow Forms


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This script will show the message “Please enter a business email” on the email input’s placeholder when an unprofessional email is detected.

You can customize the Invalid Domains list in the script.

Create a webflow form and add the following to the form elements:

→ Set the id of the email input element as Work-Email
→ Add this custom attribute to the Form button element: data-submit-btn
→ Customize the error state of the email input by adding the combo class error into the input.

Paste the script into the custom code section (before </body> tag)

$(document).ready(function() {
const invalidDomains = [
  $('[data-submit-btn]').click(() => {
    const domainPart = $('#Work-Email').val().split('@')[1]; 
    if(invalidDomains.includes(domainPart)) {
      $('#Work-Email').val('').attr('placeholder', 'Please enter a business email').addClass('error');;
      return false;
    else {
      return true;
